
I was walking one step. The sidewalk, the concrete grey as sky. The ticking, tinging, and the top of the telephone poles, clicking messages to remember the deeper aspect of this dry, toxic underworld in the north. This is not the easiest place to be deeply alive, a place where the worlds are not thin, a place where the divide is as thick and impermeable as a fortress. Fortress for corruption masquerading as upstanding institution

An angel from my childhood, how did I end up on such a twisted journey. Destined for greatness, destined for inexplicably complex and nuanced intricacies of understanding. Those too poignant for an adolescent genius. And so poignancy of wisdom poisons. Sing me a song of a lass that has gone. Say could that lass be I ?

I was walking one step. The concrete grey, as impermeable as the sky and still I heard the tinging.

About esssleeps

je m'apelle ess. je vais ecrire. www.jessicahoflick.com
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